Farkle is also called 10000, Cosmic Wimpout, Greed, Hot Dice, Squelch, Zilch, Zonk, or Darsh.
The rules below reflect how my friends and family play. However, rules vary from family to family.
Each player takes turns rolling dice. At the start of your turn, you roll six dice. The dice (or dice combinations) that earn points are: ,
, three of a kind, four of a kind, five of a kind, six of a kind, or a six-dice straight. After each roll, you must put aside at least one dice that gives points. You then roll with the remaining dice.
If you have reached at least 500 points, you can then pass and bank your points, or risk the points earned this turn and roll the remaining dice.
If all the dice have been put aside, you now have HOT DICE, and have to roll again using all six dice, risking the current turn points, but adding any new points to your previous point total.
Scoring is based on selected dice in each roll. You cannot earn points by combining dice from different rolls.
If none of your dice rolled earn points, you Farkle, and you loose the points you have earned that turn.
You continue rolling until you either Pass or Farkle. Then the next player rolls the six dice. Play continues until it is your turn again.
The final round starts as soon as any player reaches 10,000 or more points. Each other player has one more chance to beat this score.
= 100
= 50
Three of a kind:
= 1,000
= 200
= 300
= 400
= 500
= 600
Four of a kind is double the score of three of a kind:
= 2,000
= 400
= 600
= 800
= 1000
= 1200
Five of a kind is triple the score of three of a kind:
= 3000
= 600
= 900
= 1,200
= 1,500
= 1,800
Six of a kind (any) = 10,000
Six-dice straight
= 1,500
Five sixes and a one
= -10,000
Can turn +
(in one roll) into
Scoring is based on selected dice each roll. You cannot earn points by combining dice from different rolls. For example, if you roll a (50 points), and then roll
(100 points), you can't combine them to form three of a kind (500 points).
The and
dice are special, as they are the only dice that can be scored outside of a combination (such as three of a kind).
Instead of starting your turn by rolling all 6 dice, you can choose to roll using the previous player's remaining dice. If you score, you gain the points they accumulated their turn, plus any you roll after that.
At the end of the game, the player must score exactly 10,000 points. Any points scored above this during that turn are given to the player with the lowest score.
Version 1.0. Site designed by James Coats